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You'll regret not taking advantage of email 🤦‍♂️

Oct 14, 2024

Yoo homie,

A lot of producers don’t use email because they think younger generations don’t use them.

But that simply could not be further from the truth.

Even AI is smart enough to tell us that email is still the preferred marketing communication channel for the majority of people.

Even Gen Z!

We talked about this in a lesson in DOPE today.

If you use email the right way, you’re simply going to dominate the game because you’ll be using a marketing channel that most people are on but that MOST PEOPLE IN OUR NICHE DO NOT USE.

If you understand the power this can put in your hands, then you’re gonna love the next part of this message.

Cause the 2 main things that most people struggle with are;

  1. Knowing what to send in emails, and
  2. Figuring out how often to send emails.

I’ll give you cheat codes for both that you can start using today.

The first one is very VERY easy.

Send emails about anything that appeals to the self interest of your reader.

For producers, this could be;

  • Your weeklies for loops,
  • Sauce from learning you’ve done,
  • Gems from your experience selling beats/kits (or dealing with artists),
  • Information about earning money,
  • Relevant news, and/or
  • Freebie kits.

The more creative you can be the better, but the main point is to build a relationship by appealing to their self-interest.

Another way of saying this is that you wanna build trust (rapport) by offering value.

The second part, “how often to send stuff”, is even EASIER.

The thing you NEED to understand is that CONTENT IS KING.

This means you should make and post as much content as your ability allows.

That’s my strat for YT.

I get hundreds of thousands of views monthly across just my first 2 channels because I post as much value as I can (and I’m growing a few more).

That’s also my strat for email.

I have close to 14,000 total readers because I give you as much value as I can.

It’ll be a while before you’ve posted thousands of videos or written countless emails.

(It’s daily for both for me at this point).

But you can start with something light…

Maybe just one valuable email per week to your list?

Try it, come back and lmk how it works 💯.

And if you want help with this topic of email, plus more (and MANY more perks), consider trying out my mentorship group for 7 days for $1.




Join My Label, DOPE 🔥


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