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Why chasing placements is corny af ('Southside Emma' By Matt Corman)

chu dope music placements Sep 18, 2024
Check Out Southside Emma By Matt Corman On Spotify!

Yoo homie,

Ngl, if you're still chasing placements in 2024 (going into 2025), you're kinda corny 🌽.

Like - I don't mean getting placements is corny.

I love that.

And even the pursuit of improving your catalog by working with more established artists is a worthy endeavor. 


The culture of devoting the entirety of your creative effort toward a "placement" is killing progress for countless would-be standout producers.

So let's get into why it's corny and how we can do it better 👇

(btw - you can learn how to earn $1,000 per month as a producer here, and you can join DOPE 25% off here).

First, placement chasing is not how you get placements.

Metro even said this in his ProducerGrind video.

He don't view his songs with Thug and Travis like placements; he's literally just working with people he came up with 🤷‍♂️. 

I came up with Yanga - Going platinum is South Africa wasn't me placement chasing, I was just making music with an up-and-comer like myself.

And since then bro has gon on to make a name for himself as one of the biggest names in African hip hop 🏆. 

The key 🔑 is to touch hands with artists & producers at your level, then you grow with them. 

Stop viewing yourself as too good to work with smaller indie artists because your saving yourself for Lil Baby or Don Toliver 🤦‍♂️.

C'mon bro - T' up.

Second point - Artists don't like being viewed as your come up.

If the only reason you wanna work with an artists is so you can brag about it and make money, you're gonna turn off a lot of people 🙅‍♀️.

Again, like Metro said in that interview, even if he wasn't getting paid, he'd still make music with all his heart.

No one wanna work with a mf whose only concern is they own self-interest.

That's why I don't promote new songs with artists as "placements", but instead as me getting music done with my friends.

Because that's genuinely how I view it 🙏.

I mean, that's lowkey what happened with me and Matt Corman.

Bro is my homie for real so why treat him like a come up?

Nah - we just making music cause that's what we do 💯.

That kind of attitude makes artists wanna fw you more because they all wanna work with a producer who's locked in, not some starry-eyed fuck looking for a quick payday 💀.

That's why I'm gonna be promoting Southside Emma for at least the next year.

Because my homies Mike and Matt put a lot into it.

And I did too. 

So I'd love for you to hear that.

Check it out here 🔥.



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