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The ultimate piano melody formula

daily songs melody making piano Apr 30, 2023
 Day 61 - Check out the beats I've made over the last few days! 🎈Check out the most recent cook-ups!

Yoo homie!

We are coming with the mf gems 💎 to start May 2023 ♉ (cause it’s my birth month 😤) 

Here’s a banger piano melody formula I came up with that you can try (inspired by lil baby);

  1. Outline the notes (focus on getting the bass notes right)
  2. Fill in the melody (add bounce, don’t make counter melodies)
  3. Layer one accenting acoustic instrument (I like flutes and strings)
  4. Add one accenting synthetic instrument (add subtle texture)
  5. Add a bass instrument (go for something more acoustic and natural sounding if you can)
  6. Mix - peep this tut for hella mixing gems
  7. Add drums - peep this tut for hella drum programming gems
  8. Arrange - peep this tut for arrangement gems - or you can just watch this youtube short lmfao

I also made this super fire 17 minute video for you explaining this on a wayyyy deeper level 🧠

Lmk how this works for you if you try it!! (I check email and IG DMs on fridays ♥️)



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