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the only thing you need to make good content

brand development marketing Mar 17, 2024

In order for you to understand it, I have to take you through 2 quick thought experiments.

Thought experiment #1 🧪

What makes a gamers' gaming content good?

Is it their editing? their attractiveness?

& to what level does their ability to game well influence the quality of their content?

Thought experiment #2 🧪

What makes a producers music content good?

Is it their editing? Their attractiveness?

& to what level does their ability to make good music influence the quality of their content?

Have you thought about it? 💭

Okay, cool.

As a producer (w/ 128k on YT, 15k on IG, 8k on IG, a 13k email list) who makes music content,

I can tell you it's not editing.

This video is a cut up of a screen recording with a webcam overlay:

I can tell you it's not attractiveness.

I think I'm pretty attractive lol, but this screen recorded guide doesn't even have me on web cam:

but you know something?

the better I get at making beats, the less I have to care about corny editing tricks. 

And the more confident I am in my beat making, the less I have to place my security in my external appearance ('I don't care how I look cause I'm good at making beats' is a crazy cope, but I fw it 😂).

so here's the hill 🏔️ I'm standing on:

The ONLY THING you need to make good producer content is the ability to make good music. 

That is 100% the only thing I lean on - everything else is supplement.

if you wanna learn my system for supplementing this to the point where it makes me a fair amount of money, check out Level 2 content creation while it's still 75% off for St. Pats Day 🍀.



Ps. What were your results from the thought experiments? 🤔

Would you like 1-on-1 assistance?

Learn about my music production mentorship program 🧠

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