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The best way to fail at music production

Oct 18, 2024

If you want to make 100% percent sure you fail at anything you do creatively, just do ONE THING...

Be a perfectionist.

This came up in my mentorship group yesterday. 

Now... you may think you know perfectionism, but here my own plight young traveler.

I'm a 90's born African who went to a medical academy for high school and a literal Ivy League university (Penn '18) for college.

It drove me into a pointless PhD program before music production saved me...


No Diddy yo. 

Like, I thought perfectionism was bad in academia.

Nah bro - there's no perfectionism like that of a creative.

It strangles the life out of your imagination and makes you terrified to even try.

So I've developed a convicted hatred for perfectionism.

That's actually the only way I was able to start my first YouTube channel.

I was scared to share anything, but my college roommate knew how to talk me out of my perfectionism and actually convinced me to start (I'll have to share that story one day soon!)

If you're like me, you probably need one of two things;

  1. Evidence that perfectionism is a creative detriment.
  2. A way to "out think" your perfectionism.

If you need evidence, you have to look to your own life and take an honest assessment.

Where has perfectionism been a legitimate benefit, and where have the diminishing returns stolen minutes, hours, or days from your life and that of your art?

At least for me, no matter what it was...

  • Football (up to the level of D1 athlete).
  • School (up to the graduate PhD level).
  • Life (family, friends, intimacy).
  • Fitness.
  • Health & wellness.

No matter what it is, perfectionism makes it worse.

Perfectionism makes it impossible to get done.

I f***ing hate perfectionism.

That's where my assessment leaves me.

Again, if you're like me, that brings us to number 2 - we need a way to "out think" the perfectionism.

That's how my brain works.

When a lie or limiting believe has been ingrained, it's not enough for me to just know it's limiting.

I need to be able to reason out why it's limiting.

And then by repeating this process of reasoning, automaticity allows my brain to create new neural pathways that help me overcome the lies forever.

There's ONE THING that's helps me with this more than anything else.

It's understanding that every creative on this earth has the right to make bad art.

From a purely technical point of view, you're job when creating is not to make something good.

The goal is to create something based on an imagined idea.

Doing so is comprised of skills that can be refined.

But refinement is NOT perfection.

And the art itself is not the thing you're refining (only your technical abilities).

Because your art doesn't need to be perfect.

Or, rather, it's already perfect if you're creating from your heart (which perfectionism literally prevents).

Your expression as a creative, as a being, is already 'perfect.'

So the only thing you could ever do is refine the skills you use to create, which inherently changes your arts. 

Refinement may make it seem 'better' but it's not; it's just a reflection of your being.

That's something that evolves from the moment we're born till our last breath. 

And it's unique to each of us. 

No we won't sound like Michael Jackson or Drake.

But then, no one meaningful is really asking you to do that... are they?

What we want, and what you probably want deep inside, is to share how you really feel.

So feel free to do that because we would love to hear it!

And if YouTube is something you want to use to share your art and message, click here to enroll in my free "How to get Your First 10,000 Views On Your Beats Channel" Workshop.

There's millions of people who wanna be fans of what you're making, so let me teach you how to share that!



If you wanna know how I regularly do this with my beats, then you need to check out my “How To Get Your First 10,000 Views on Your Beats Channel” workshop.

⭐️ It’s a freebie 36-minute instructional session with me on how to start building up the most important tool for your beats business: Your YouTube Channel ⭐️

Click on this link ASAP to get your invite to the workshop while it’s still available!

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