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stock plugins only tutorial Jan 22, 2023
Here are 4 FREE VSTs I think every producer should have in their DAW in 2023.


So, this first one is just INSANE. No gas, this might be the greatest VST on earth, paid or free.
So DecentSampler is FREE to download, open source soft synth sampler. They have this entire database where other creators submit free packs they created to be used within the sampler.
It like how Kontakt works, but this is like a million times better and it's FREE. There's paid kits too, but there's literally endless free packs and it's updated damn near every day.
And you can even apply to add your own packs to the database too! You can download packs from their site, or you can literally do it from within the DAWs interface.
Fucking insane.


So, this next one is somehow even crazier. This is a delay plugin, called... Deelay.
Ignore the lazy naming choice though, because this is the beset delay plug-in i've ever used. It beats out plug-ins I've actually paid for.
There's so many features this has, like being able to adjust the diffusion parameters which basically lets you use this as a reverb tool too. And you can even do things like add distortion and tape effects to your delay, as well. And, the presets are super dope too.
But, BY FAR, my favorite thing about this VST is its reverse functions. This lets you reverse the delay signals of whatever you put this VST on. This can make your melodies sound insane.


Okay, this next VST is actually just mind-blowing. So this is called TripleCheese.
Another funny name, I know, but don't let that fool you! This VST is made by u-he, the same people who made Repro and a bunch of other dope soft synths.
To me, this is basically just a free version of Repro. But they didn't let the fact that it's free reduce the quality at all!
There's over 200 synth patches in here and they're all dope. And you can even download expansion packs too!

Tal Chorus LX.

The last VST I have for you is so dope. It's called Tal Chorus LX.
This is basically a rebuild of the Juno 60 synthesizer chorus. This is the best chorus VST I've every used.
It adds life to any instrument or track you throw it on. The two buttons are mode settings. And the other knobs do exactly what their labels say. Such a simple, yet powerful VST.

Want more free VSTs?? 

If you're still interested in more cost effective ways to make beats, check out the Stock FL Studio Plug-ins Blog Series!

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