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Everything is just delay

mixing Nov 03, 2024

Sorry, I messed up..

I wanted to release the stereo imaging video today, but it's just not done.

Like, I could force it and drop it, and you'd probably like it.

And it'd do well - it's a well put together piece.

But, I actually don't just want it to be a good YouTube video, that's not a satiating enough goal.

I would prefer if you left the video saying "damn, Chu could probably charge a lot of money for this if he wanted, it's so full of value!"

As such, I'll be delaying the piece a bit (24-48 hrs) to ensure it has everything needed to make you an instantly better producer.

In the mean time, here's something else  interesting I've learned while researching stereo image 👇

Almost every FX is just Delay 😂

Standard delay stores a sound on a chip and then plays it back whenever you like.

When it plays back is determined by whatever you set your release to which is usually measured in milliseconds.

That's what causes the echo (the delayed appearance or manifestation of the playback).

From delay, you basically get every other FX;

  1. Feedback —> Feeding the delay signal back into the input.
  2. Flanging —> Short, clock-automated delays.
  3. Chorus —> Just Flanging with tighter parameters on the clock.
  4. Phasing —> Just chorus with an insanely tight clock parameter that only sweeps between 0 and 1 ms.
  5. Reverb —> Made of of thousands and thousands of delays bouncing off of the walls of a simulated room at different times, places, and angles and then all washing together.

And all of this happens within the parameters of your stereo image.

(computer generated images dropping with the video - full downloadable slide deck too 🤓). 

If you wanna be sure you're up-to-date when the new video drops, peep the previous lesson --> The fastest way to ruin your mix



Ps. When in doubt, make better beats #DOPECONTENTONLY.  

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