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Journal entry, Day 4, (March 5, 2023)

daily songs Mar 05, 2023
You can listen to the songs from days 1-3, March 2-4, below. 
Three days into the "song every day" challenge. Starting to see how more may have been bitten off than can be chewed. Punny.
Seriously though, I do feel like I'm losing my mind.
That's dramatic. Everything's fine.
Both my parents are alive. My brothers both have meaningful relationships with people they love. And I got paid $1,000 for a beat the other day (here's a free course I'm making on how to sell beats - it's dope).
Don't be dramatic. Things are fine.
But I wish my parents were together. I wish I was closer to my brothers. And damn it, why can't I get $10,000 per beat like ATL Jacob.
I want more.
We all want more.
You tell me you're different, all I see is another liar.
Another human who thinks they'd do a a better job as God.
It's stupid.
We're stupid.
But we love it.
I love you.

If you wanna know how I regularly do this with my beats, then you need to check out my “How To Get Your First 10,000 Views on Your Beats Channel” workshop.

⭐️ It’s a freebie 36-minute instructional session with me on how to start building up the most important tool for your beats business: Your YouTube Channel ⭐️

Click on this link ASAP to get your invite to the workshop while it’s still available!

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