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I don't make content

marketing Mar 12, 2024

I only make beats, 

and then post videos of myself doing that.

[note: Level 2 is still 75% off for St. Pat's Day 🍀]

Whether it's a video essay,

or a full guide documenting some aspect of my creative process,

all this 'content' is just video recordings of what I do all day - make beats.

The only other purpose of my content is to catalog, distribute, and market my beats. 

I take this concept and apply it to every platform.

(I basically just copy and paste the content, w/ a few editing tricks to make it look good).

That's how I have nearly 16k on IG w/o even having the app on my phone.

& I just passed 8k on Tik Tok 👇

and friend, believe me when I tell you, I do not use Tik Tok.

But I'm able to eat off the platform because of the Level 2 content creation methodology.

It leads to sales,

publishing royalties,

TV syncs,

and a bunch more.

in fact, here's a few more things that happen on autopilot simply because I make beats and record myself doing so:

  1. brand deals from major companies.
  2. thousands of monthly listeners on Spotify (loyal people I appreciate who jam my music).
  3. access to creators who have motion.
  4. awards and accolades (like going Platinum in South Africa).

I could keep going all day, but I think you get it. 

Make beats. Record yourself doing it. Good things will happen.

If you wanna learn my method for doing it, check out Level 2 while it's still 75% off 🦾.

But I have to say...

There's something that took me 5 years to understand about this 'Level 2 method.'

This is something that only the people inside the course know, but if you peep the email I send you tomorrow I'll share it w/ you - if that's cool 🙏.



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